Friday, May 16, 2008

May 16th, Nesing Medical Outreach #1

Today's the day that we all have been waiting for! One flight to Japan, one to thailand, another to Nepal, and finally a nine hour body shaking drive. Today marked the day of our teams first 2008 medical outreach in Nessing.

After breakfast and team devo's we got cracking. A line started to form at about 9 am and the outreach began. Everybody got situated in their areas/positions, but I shifted to almost every position except doctor, only because my expertise was not needed. The most memorable part of the day for me was doing the illustrations of how to boil water. Most of the patients suffered from worms. The worms develop from drinking the stream water. So my job was to show the villagers why its important to boil water. Rabin was my translater and man you should have been there when he does his interpretation of how worms cause diarrea.
While the outreach was going on I took a step back looked at what was going on. God gave me a clear picture of His awesome work being done. Once the outreach finished it was off to try out our homemade shower. Our shower consisted of two tarps that were tied to a giant bolder that some how formed curtains. Minh brought a hikers shower water pack, when it sits in the sun the water heats up so that was nice. This was the first time i ever had a crowd while i showered.
Shortly after my shower we ate some ono Nepali food. Then Uddov shared his testimony which was awesome. My first day in Nessing will never be forgotten. The scenary the children and the people man! you just gotta be there to know what I'm talking about.

By Mike B.

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